Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Time

Lots of yellow this week.

We really needed a little break, Mister Kay and Nila both are recovering from a bad cold. So some time at home to sleep, drink lots of coffee and spinning some vinyl... that's what we need in the moment.

Happy Easter.

see you,

PS: Some new music in the house: Moondog.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

slow living , garden days


When I get home I disappear into my garden. Did most of the heavy work in the last couple of weeks with Mister Kay together. Just need to do some seeding and clean up my green house.

Last autumn I spent some money on some more special spring bulbs and I must say, now they start to flower, it's looking really pretty.

Enjoy the sun,

PS: On my wish list one of the air planting sets from Carolijn Slottje.