Monday, February 23, 2009


Never payed much attention to tins. I didn't realize there are so many pretty ones.


Sue said...

Gosh, love these, especially the little shabby blue ones in the bottom left. I found some beautiful tins last summer and wrote about them here if you're interested :-)

Fine Little Day said...

Yummy yummy.

Sue said...

Hello again! I now have the best of the tins on top of my kitchen cupboards. I love looking at them and feel like Hunca Munca every day!

Allison said...

What a great collection! I really love the red round tin because of its unusual shape and the nautical theme tins in the lower left corner are also very lovely. I am probably drawn to them because they look a little more loved and worn. The black and white one in the middle is also very sweet.

Anonymous said...

You didn't...?! I'm a tin addict - just answer Claus... What a collection!

Herr Janosch said...

You never payed much attention to tins?
Your very impressing collection shows the oppsite! Very adorable!

Anonymous said...

I so love tins-but you know that! I keep them in my studio, sadly, where it's so messy I can hardly see them anymore! Your tins are wonderful, all so different, all so interesting. You have the best eye for lovely things, Kay.

Fleur de Boheme said...

I can see you have a love for tins, too... ;-)
And a twin cat to my white one it seems - have you seen him in the pictures?

Bye Kirsten

Inka said...

Oh, these are so pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Ooo nice nice!

andrella said...

I love tins- yours very very nice!
Greetings from Andrella

marika said...

Thank you for visiting my blog :)
You have a very interesting blog, I like vinatge too.

johanna said...

I love tins and your collection looks great!

Kaylovesvintage said...

Allison, you did it again..the round one is the most expensive one( you should be a vintage buyer;Lol)
Kirsten, just like Elvis

Allison said...

Kay, you have identified the EXACT reason why I am not a vintage buyer. It never fails, that I usually end up picking the most expensive thing out of the lot, no matter what it is... clothing, furniture, flooring, antiques, and the list goes on. I would even venture to say that I could pick the most expensive thing 9 out of 10 times. I love vintage and antiques, but I have to rely on the lack of knowledge of the seller in order for me to purchase the items that I am drawn to. When the seller knows the value of their items, I usually don't have the wallet to back up my taste.

Ash said...

All these tins are gorgeous! I love old tins!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing me to yours! Great stuff!