Tuesday, January 12, 2010

winter cafe

my fav coffee table book in the moment

 there is a new trend in the Netherlands, guess you can call it
 Cafe Ice(  you get to sit outside with a great
winter view ,they will  give you a blanket
and you can order hot drinks)

- did order a sticker book from  Yaelfran
( now I got my own kaylovesvintage stickers ,so cool)

- Heather is organizing a new vintage swap,
 it's fun and you meet great people , have a look

busy week here , so I hope you have a good week


soisses-dasleben said...

thank you for the book-tip...

here you can do "cafe ice", too. but it`s rather cold for a coffee outside!

yours dani

Meyer-Lavigne said...

Thank you for the book tip. Need some new inspiration.You should check this out. Baltic Homes through Amazone.

Heather said...

I had never heard of an Ice Cafe, but that is so incredible, especially since they provide ways to be warm.

Thank you for your mention of the swap, I think that you will be very happy with your partner :)

mi-rachel said...

cafe ice sounds really cozy.
and a little bit cold in spite of the blanket and the drink:)

Erin Wallace said...

The idea of an ice cafe just makes me colder, even though they claim to always be warm. I can't imagine something like that here - you'd leave with hypothermia!

inaluxe said...

cafe ice sounds like my cup of tea. but in my case, it really would be a strong fresh coffee. lots of sugar, well, ok, maybe just two. :)

Valloittava valkoinen said...

Wau "cafe ice"!Lovely!Great photo!

Anonymous said...

yes, a good but buzy week too !!! I love your ice coffe place... !!! but i'm not sure i'm ready for that ; )

likeschocolate said...

The frozen canals remind me of a Disney movie I saw as a child about a boy in Holland who family needs money, so in order to help he want to win a race on his ice skates. I am not sure if I would sit outside even with a blanket, but then I am a whimp. Have a happy week.

Conny said...

Is the Ice Cafe beginning to catch on? As a tourist I would be sure to go to one, but how about the locals? Of course, if it's not too cold outside there is no reason to stay inside (as far as I'm concerned). I'm an "outside" kind of girl though.

I also love the black and white coffee cup in your picture. :>)

Cheers ~ Conny (van Dalen was my maiden name)

malo said...

I will check out that book. Thanks!

I must say I rather sit inside. The photo however - beautiful!

gardenmama said...

an outdoor winter cafe sounds lovely! I think it would be far too cold where I live for that! : )

Cate said...

lucky girl! i would need 2 blankets though and lots of the hot toddies. happy new year!

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

Sounds so cozy! I think if the temperature is not TOO low, with a blanket and something steamy - it would feel just right!

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Ice Cafe is a perfect term. I'd love to sit there with a blanket and a hot chocolate ;-)

Jodi said...

Now that sounds perfect. Warm from the blanket and hopefully sun. Yay for outside activities. And thanks for the links

Merja said...

There's a trend I would love! (not that there's any snow or cold in California.. :)

jane said...

have a great week kay. i so want to have a coffee with you! p.s. can´t wait to see your stickers! besos!

joanie said...

I think I would need several blankets. Reminds me of a cafe in East Sussex that's open to the elements - they give hot water bottles to you when you arrive :)

Ritva said...

busy week here too :)

hugs and lots of warm drinks
and a blanket!

Inka said...

Thanks so much for the book tip! Cafe Ice, that sounds so wonderful :)

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Love the Ice café idea!