Friday, January 22, 2010

kocha vintage

I really want to go to Warsaw to have coffee with Isabelle
So I was very happy to have my home on Domosfera,
a wonderful polish interior magazine.


jasnobłękitna said...

Nice to see you on Domosfera! (finally)
Your home is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Your home is beautiful and warm, you know. Just take a plane, a good coat and a cake bring and visit her.

Erin Wallace said...

Wow! Will check out the site. COngratulations!

Isabelle said...

congratulations !!! and you can come any time for coffee, tea or week end ....

soisses-dasleben said...

das sind ganz neue, tolle einblicke in dein zuhause. tolle bilder, wie immer...

Kristina said...

Oooohhh cool!

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

I'm off to see your home... Congratulations!
