Wednesday, February 13, 2013

metal bowls

 Hema has some pretty white metal bowls out in the moment.
They look a bit like little vintage Krenit bowls but these are white on the outside and a bit taller from shape.

They come in 6 colors, the soft yellow and mint are my fav. In the dark and with the candles lit the colors look much darker.
 I liked them so much that I got 6 of them.

see you
PS: I love Zimmerman


Nalle said...

Lovely colours!

Manuela Olten said...

I really love HEMA! We have just a few little ones in Germany. Lovely colors!

Unknown said...

Lovely...I really felt in love with Hema when visited Amsterdam...miss to have something similar here..
Look really beautiful!

Mette said...

Great idea. I want HEMA in Denmark....