Sunday, February 24, 2013

winter garden

I guess a grey Sunday afternoon in February is the perfect time to make some plans for the garden. We need a new fence and I want some more sea side plants and palm trees in the garden.

Thinking of going to visit Sarah Ravens Perch Hill garden in May. Guess that will give me some new ideas. Not sure if I will put a bed in my garden but I did like this idea we saw in dutch gardening center Intratruin last week.

How are you spending your Sunday?

see you

PS: record of the day Avalon - Roxy Music


enfansetart said...

Génial ! it's wonderful !

Helga said...

4429In northern Italy we have a lot of snow today. So I spent my sunday with crochet and tricotin:))))
The garden bed is a great idea!!

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Wow this is great. Imagine lying in that bed in the summer.

andrella said...

Hey Kay,
The bed is beautiful!!!
Hugs from andrella

Nalle said...

I'd love to see your garden at summer time. I've been preparing a little parcel today.

swig said...

what a great bed (in Summer…) I wish you a good night!

driftwood said...

what a fun idea, a garden bed !