Thursday, February 28, 2013

spring cleaning

There was a little bit of sun this afternoon when I got home.
My first idea was to spend some time in the garden
but after 10 minutes I realized it was still too cold.
So I started a little bit of my spring cleaning 
but then the sun was gone and
my cleaning mood disappeared.
                                                 See you,
PS: Has anybody seen OZ The great and Powerful yet???



Nalle said...

Winter holiday week starts here today, so no spring yet. Sun is shining though. Have a great weekend!

Kaylovesvintage said...


have a good weekend

Julie said...

Sun does make a bit difference to spring cleaning enthusiasm doesn't it?! Juliex

Unknown said...

Need to do some cleaning too...but no mood ;)
Enjoy weekend!

Merle said...

today was great! sun, sun, sun.... not in the mood for cleaning ;)
have a nice weekend!!

Die kleine Werkstatt said...

Ich mag das - draußen frischer Wind und drinnen alles frisch gewaschen und geputzt :-)!
